2023: My Heart is Warm

We are a work in progress even until we die. But what matters is in everyday we live and thrive, we always choose the things that we value and always warms our hearts. It was also a gift of circumstance that opened me to know myself better and deeper on a different level.

3 days and 2 nights DIY Itinerary to Taiwan for only Php 9,000

If you want a quick and very cheap escape (for only Php 9,000), Taiwan is the best place to be. It is a place to feed your stomach with great food, to feel serenity in your soul and to fill your mind with rich culture and learning. Taiwan might not be on top of your list to visit. Neither I too when I was still starting my backpacking hobby. I just love the laid-back feeling on a bustling metropolis.

4 days and 3 nights DIY Itinerary in Hongkong and Macau

“I want to go to Disneyland!” “I want to travel abroad but I can’t leave my work for so long.” “I am on a budget but I want to have my passport stamped.”
These travel goals may be running into your mind over and over again. That’s why I am writing this blog post to tell you that a trip to Hong Kong and Macau might be your next travel goal for this year! Sharing to you the details of my recent trip to HK + Disneyland and Macau. (Ohh, I forgot to tell you. It’s already 2 countries in just 1 trip!)