November 6, 2012: Back then, He came again to my life the time I least expect him to arrive.

JobaandFranz (9)

JobaandFranz (11)-vert

JobaandFranz (3)-horz

JobaandFranz (15)

JobaandFranz (22)

Photos were taken at Blugre, Matina Town Square. Blugre because we both love coffees, teas, books and “Me” time. Beware, there are security guards who will scold you when you will have shoot there. Better have permission from its office. haha!

JobaandFranz (10)

JobaandFranz (18)

JobaandFranz (1)-vert

JobaandFranz (20)-horz

JobaandFranz (12)-horz

JobaandFranz (17)

JobaandFranz (14)


Above photos were taken at People’s Park, Davao City.

This is our first shoot together so, plain and simple.

Nut above everything else, Thank you sooo much to my dearest bestie ever! To Daphne Jane, Chuuuvs, thank you for this. I know dili gyud mi skilled models, thank you sa patience! I love you! Mwaaah!


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